Questeros Tarot Deck & Card Game


Questeros Tarot is a fun, strategic, trick taking card game using a fantasy based 78 card tarot deck combined with elements of classic RPG gaming. Fully funded as a Kickstarter campaign within hours!

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Questeros Tarot: A tarot card game where the Quest cards are the Major Arcana in Tarot decks. They represent the life lessons, karmic influences and the big archetypal themes that are influencing one’s life and their soul’s journey to enlightenment. The Major Arcana card meanings are deep and complex –in beautiful ways! These cards truly represent the structure of human consciousness and hold the keys to life lessons passed down through the ages.

The Quest cards include 21 numbered cards and 1 unnumbered card (the Jester). Ero, the Jester, is the main character of the Quest cards and makes his journey through each of the cards, meeting new teachers and learning new life lessons along the way, and eventually reaching the completion of his journey with The Dragon card. This is known as Ero’s Quest and is a helpful way of understanding the story line of the Quest Tarot card meanings.